Web platform to promote building renovation


Attending the urgent environmental and social needs facing them, and the funding opportunity of the European recovery funds:

  • What role should the social and solidarity economy play?
  • Is the social and solidarity economy really prepared and organized today?
  • What alternative proposal can you offer in the face of the risks involved in the government model?
  • What kind of model of accompaniment to the community transition fits in this context?

The Social and Solidarity Economy must urgently address these issues by developing a SSE accompaniment model for neighborhood and neighborhood communities in the process of urban regeneration based on a unitary and structured proposal, with solvent and scalable mechanisms and tools, so that it can face this challenge, which will define the habitability model of the coming decades and the possibilities of all people to access them.


Given the need to implement an ESS support model for neighborhood and neighborhood communities in the urban regeneration process, the aim of the project is to advance the development of a ESS support model for regeneration urban based on the figure of the single interlocutor who, in the face of the citizens, supposes an integrated response of technical, social and financial support to the process of transition towards a sustainable scenario and who, in the face of the public administration, become an agent capable of dynamizing the policy in matters of urban regeneration and of providing means and content to the Neighborhood Rehabilitation Offices.


The main purpose of the project is to create the digital platform Comunitat.coop that integrates the different services necessary to support the ESS accompaniment model for urban regeneration, as an instrument for cooperative and equitable access to decarbonization and technical and functional improvements of the built stock.

The declaration of the state of climate emergency of the EU and the decarbonization objectives to 2050, and the opportunity that cannot be missed and offered by the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan – endowed to Catalonia in this first annuity with 186 million euros -, including the possibility of formulating the figure of the Rehabilitation Agent as the sole interlocutor of the rehabilitation and decarbonization process, it raises the need for the creation of this model of accompaniment to be rapid and at the same time supportive among all citizens.

For this reason, the approach of the project is to build a service platform that allows to lay the foundations of this model through:

  • Integrate the processes of rehabilitation of technical, functional and energy quality and the actions of implementation of renewable energies under a global perspective.
  • Provide a trans-scalar vision of the urban regeneration process that, emerging from the level of housing and building, allows the formulation of aggregate demand scenarios under the figure of neighborhood action plans.
  • Integrate the functionalities of the planning axis, the management axis and the financing axis.
  • To demonstrate, based on intuitive and powerful software, the advantages of actions to improve buildings at a social level (greater cohesion and empowerment, and better health conditions), economic (lower energy cost) and environmental (reduction of consumption, resilience of buildings and decarbonization).
  • Provide specific services aimed at the agents involved in the energy transition throughout Catalonia, in order to facilitate the planning and implementation of projects at scale: administration, social entities and enterprises, proximity and / or green, and citizenship and neighborhood and neighborhood communities.


The work is specified in the web platform of integrated services Comunitat.coop, with the appropriate functionalities and scales of intervention, to support the ESS accompaniment model in urban regeneration actions.

The project is coordinated by Cíclica, and IREC – Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya, Dies d’Agost, Etcèteres, Haus and Marcove are also part of it.

Programa Aracoop promoted by Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies de la Generalitat de Catalunya and financed by Ministry of Labour and Social Economy.


Cíclica [space·community·ecology]


Programa Projectes Singulars 2021-2022

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23 de February de 2023


Digital logbook and building renovation, Highlights