Opengela is a programme that seeks to extend urban regeneration in the Basque Country by creating a network of neighbourhood offices that act as a one-stop shop to serve the neighbourhood. The aim is to improve the quality of life in cities through urban regeneration.
The Opengela model has been supported by the European Commission since its inception. First, through the Horizon 2020 programme, which financed the HIROSS4all project between 2019 and 2023; now, through the LIFE programme, which promotes the project ‘Basque Integrated Renovation model (Opengela): enabling a fair, clean energy Transition through a Unique network of One-Stop-Shops’ (BIRTUOSS) from 2023 to 2026.
The main objective of BIRTUOSS is to improve and expand Opengela’s integrated urban regeneration model, targeting a wider group of homeowners. This involves establishing partnerships with local actors, designing a sustainable model and extending the service to cover the whole Basque region. BIRTUOSS intends to focus on neighbourhood intervention including the rehabilitation of multi-family buildings and the improvement of their energy performance, based on the experience gained with the HIROSS4all project, and to extend its scope by incorporating other measures to improve the conditions of urban environments through the integration of environmental, social and economic measures, extending the model to all Basque municipalities and their neighbourhoods.
CICLICA is part of the consortium that leads BIRTUOSS, formed by a total of 14 partners: Basque Government, the Basque Energy Agency (EVE), Build Inn (Eraikune), CAVIAR Research Group (UPV-EHU), Municipal Housing of Bilbao, GNE Finance, Association of Knowledge and Technology Industries of the Basque Country GAIA, EDE Fundazioa, Aclima, Gabineteseis, Fedarene, Green Building Council Spain and Zabala Innovation.
Opengela has already been extended to more than twenty Basque municipalities, and has a high replicability throughout Europe. In addition, thanks to BIRTUOSS, a pilot project (living lab) will be launched to test the advances.
Basque Government - Fundación Ede - Ente Vasco de la Energía - Cíclica - Viviendas municipales de Bilbao - GNE Finance - Aclima - Gabineteseis - Build:Inn - Zabala Innovation - Gaia - Fedarene - Grup de recerca Caviar - Green Building Council España
This project has been funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme under the grant agreement 101120660.
2023 - 2026
26 de February de 2025
Digital Logbook and Renovation Passport, Highlights