Energy renovation plan in Santa Coloma de Gramenet

The building sector faces with a critical challenge of balancing the social responsibility of creating livable conditions with the obligation to reduce resources consumption, especially energy and greenhouse gas emissions. In the framework of environmental goals set by the European Union to relieve the effects of global warming, strategies must be developed with social and economic efficiency.

The evaluation and intervention developed in this project allows for a strategy at this scale to be adapted into an analysis for larger properties and creates a new approach in the analysis of building consumption and cost of rehabilitation at the architectural scale. Thus providing reliable data at the metropolitan level in order to make an urban master plan at the correct scale.

The objective in this phase isto approximate a municipal strategy for energy rehabilitation in the residential area of Santa Coloma de Gramenet that creates a foundation for energy rehabilitation for its buildings while simultaneously accomplishing the European objectives to create socially acceptable and environmentally responsible living conditions by 2020-2050. The project allows for:

The architectural characterization of the residential area according to parameters that influence its energy performance and/or the possibilities for energy rehabilitation

The energy characterization of the residential area in its current state and its potential in reducing energy demand once appropriate interventions have been made to its surroundings.

The economic characterization of the residential area in terms of minimum income needed to live in the houses without the occurrence of energy poverty.

The applied methodology in this project conveys an intelligent system based on the ETL processes beginning with available data in the Catastro, the urban plan, the demographic census, and the System of Metropolitan Indicators in the Area of Barcelona These processes permit the analysis of data, extraction of information, and generation of knowledge. Meanwhile, the analysis of the energy simulation program developed by the team approximates calculations of energy demand from property to property and estimates the energy demand associated with heating the residential area in each property’s floor of included in the scope of study.

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Cíclica [space·community·ecology], Albert Cuchí (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Anna Pagès (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)


Institut d'Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona

Year project



7 de June de 2017


Urban Building Energy Models