ERESEE 2014. Long-term renovation strategy for in the Spanish building sector

Buildings represent 40% of the overall energy consumption in the European Union. Hence, Article 4 of Directive 27/2012/EU requires member states to design a long-term strategy beyond 2020, aimed at mobilizing investments in the renovation of residential and commercial buildings to improve the built environment energy performance. The strategy proposed addresses thorough and profitable renovations that will lead to a significant decrease in consumption of energy supplied and final energy in a building, resulting in high energy efficiency.

This report, developed at the request of the Ministry of Public Works, develops a strategy and intends to establish the necessary basis of developing a state-level procedure with the capacity to take on the challenge of implementing residential rehabilitation process to transform 10 million homes built before 2001 into houses with low energy consumption and low greenhouse gas emissions. This will not only benefit owners and occupants – saving energy and improving quality of life – but it will also benefit the country with the creation of 110,000 to 130,000 jobs from 2015 to 2050 and offers the possibility of investing up to 10 million euros in the rehabilitation of 250,000 to 450,000 homes each year.

The strategy is based on an analysis and division of the Spanish built environment considering two criteria: usage (residential and non-residential) and property that will define and determine the form in which rehabilitation will take place. The report is centered on the rehabilitation strategies of the residential area and therefore, the development analysis is focused on this field. The aspects analyzed are the following:

Analysis of occupancy by main, secondary, and vacant houses

Analysis of typology by building age and size

Analysis of distribution of houses according to the size of the municipality

Analysis of rules for possession

Analysis of energy performance

Dividing the residential area into clusters considers the different climate zones and types of energy consumption and also allows proposals for different rehabilitation approaches.This culminates in an availability of intervention packages for each of the divided sectionsincluding considerations in reducing energy consumption and emissions, the economic costs of the intervention, the demands by workplaces during the construction process, the emissions generated by the fabrication of materials used in the intervention package, as well as the repayment period necessary to compensate the savings with the gain in obtained efficiency.

  Rated by the European Commission as the best of all those submitted by member countries  

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Cíclica [space·community·ecology], Albert Cuchí (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Anna Pagès (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)


Ministerio de Fomento del Gobierno de España

Project year



30 de December de 2014


Urban Building Energy Models