Preliminary study on energy renovation in Álava


The project arises from the desire to incorporate the energy vision into the Partial Territorial Plan of Central Alava, more specifically to know the repercussion of the use of heating in the homes of the territory.


The general objective of the work is the elaboration of an exploratory study on the possibilities of reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions related to heating in homes in Central Alava through intervention in the envelope and installations of residential buildings.


The methodology used, based on the urbanZEB tool, allows an architectural characterization and energy simulation of the 32 municipalities included in the scope. As a result of the knowledge accumulated in the 2019 study “Long-term renovation strategy in the building stock of the Basque Country”, the more than 120,000 dwellings are architecturally and constructively defined according to their belonging to the 12 clusters of the ERESEE 2014. This large-scale diagnosis forms the first database, on which the simulation of the theoretical heating demand is carried out, which in turn serves as the basis for distributing the real energy consumption of the territory from 2018. Finally, a second energy simulation at urban scale is carried out in order to define the reduction in heating demand and consumption, as well as the associated CO2 emissions according to the energy vector.


The results of the study, in database and report format, are grouped into 2 levels according to their level of complexity and relevance:

  1. Diagnostic indicators of the building stock per dwelling:
    • Architectural characterization of the main dwellings
    • Distribution of heating demand in the current state
    • Distribution of heating consumption in the current state
    • Reduction of heating demand in the post-intervention state
    • Distribution of heating consumption in the post-intervention state
    • Determination of reductions in energy consumption and CO2 emissions
  2. Database of the building stock:
    • Database by reference
    • Database by municipality

Cíclica [space·community·ecology]


Departament de medi ambient, planificació territorial i habitatge. Govern Basc

Project year



4 de February de 2021


Urban Building Energy Models