Energy renovation strategy in the Basque Country


The project emerges from the firm will of the Basque Government to draw up an innovative action plan which, for the first time on a regional scale, will be based on a building-by-building diagnosis; allowing for a significant advance in the methodology so far employed for large-scale strategies.


The main objective is to establish a system of guidelines that will make it possible to prioritise the intervention on energy renovation of the residential stock in the Basque Country, based on a set of criteria previously agreed with the Basque Government’s Directorate of Territorial Planning, Urban Planning and Urban Regeneration.


The methodology used allows for the joint processing and analysis of different sources of information in order to establish a complete diagnosis of the 1.128.105 houses that make up the residential stock. This first phase, based on an in-depth knowledge of each property, is materialised in a battery of sectorial indicators of an architectural, energy and economic nature, which allow the particularities, needs and potential for renovation of the built environment to be detected. This rigorous, large-scale diagnosis serves as a basis for defining and substantiating, together with the agreed intervention criteria, the guidelines for intervention through the most relevant prioritisation indexes at a strategic level.


The results of the study, in database and report format, are grouped into 3 levels according to their level of complexity and relevance:

  1. Diagnostic indicators  of the housing stock:
    • 3 architectural indicators,
    • 13 energy indicators,
    • 9 economic indicators.
  2. System of indexes  and intervention criteria  per dwelling:
    • 2 building performance indexes,
    • 2 housing performance indexes,
    • 2 renovation intervention indexes,
    • 3 intervention criteria.
  3. System of prioritization  of interventions by census section:
    • ¿Which census sections are worst off?
    • ¿Which census sections have the greatest capacity for improvement?

Escola d’Arquitectura del Vallès. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Cíclica [space·community·ecology]


Grup d'investigació CAVIAR de la UPV/EHU


Direcció de Planificació Territorial, Urbanisme i Regeneració Urbana, Departament de Medi ambient, Planificació Territorial i Habitatge del Govern Basc

Project year



19 de February de 2020


Urban Building Energy Models